我院举办“‘同心抗疫不松懈、学术交流不停歇’云端系列学术报告八:Non-flammable electrolytes for emerging potassium and Zinc ion batteries”
4月26日,Betway必威西汉姆联在线上开展了“云端系列学术报告八:Non-flammable electrolytes for emerging potassium and Zinc ion batteries”讲座。本次讲座邀请了澳大利亚阿德莱德大学化学工程与先进材料学院Prof. Zaipai Guo进行讲解。讲座由我院闵宇霖教授主持,参会人员为我院各年级师生。
Professor Zaiping Guo is an Australian Laureate Fellow at School of Chemical Engineering & Advanced Materials, The University of Adelaide. She is also an Associate Editor for Chemical Science, a world-renowned journal in chemistry. Her research focuses on the design and application of electrode materials and electrolyte for energy storage and conversion, including rechargeable batteries, hydrogen storage, and fuel cells. She published more than 450 papers in peer-reviewed Journals, more than 250 papers were published in journals with IF > 10, and these publications have been cited >36,000 times with an h-index of 104. Her research achievements have been recognized through numerous awards, including an ARC Queen Elizabeth II Fellowship in 2010, an ARC Future Professorial Fellowship in 2015, an ARC Laureate Fellowship (2021), and the Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher Award in 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021. She was also awarded 2020 NSW Premier's Prizes for Science & Engineering for Excellence in Engineering or Information and Communications Technology.